Want to support, or get involved with the community?


We have had an overwhelmingly positive response so far with many more requests from employees wanting to get involved than we were anticipating! As a result, we have created some brief descriptions of how you can be involved in building or supporting the employee led community.

To help us better understand which employees to contact for content creation and which to share it with, you will be asked to choose a level of interest that you most identify with when you sign up to the mailing list. There is no correct answer and employees are welcome from all backgrounds and levels of interest!  

This is not set in stone and can be changed at any time by emailing us at


What is an Ambassador?

The Unity Ambassador will work closely with the Unity steering committee and be involved in planning and executing events and activities. The Ambassador understands the aim and objectives of Unity, they are highly interested in promoting the network to other NEXT colleagues and partake in the growth of the community. 

The Individual will commit to attending bi-weekly committee meetings, regularly check in with the steering group and partaking in the content creation process, by creating content for the Unity website. 


What does it involve?


What do we need from you?

Links in with: Unity Steering committee. 


What is a Supporter?

The Unity Supporter understands and supports the aims and objectives of Unity and is more likely to take a passive approach to help and contribute to the goals of the employee led community like participating in events and sharing content with other employees.

The supporter is free to contribute to the community at their discretion, by suggesting ideas for events and/or content through our communication channels and participate/attend events organised by Unity.