As  part of Ramadhan, Farhan discusses  his experiences of Ramadhan at work .

Date: 13.04.22

What’s your name?

My name is Farhan Kazi

What’s your role & what do you love about it?

I am a Duty Manager for the international department. I love that I'm interacting with a lot of people from different countries. As we ship internationally, we have advisors who speak multiple languages, so it’s great to see that and knowing that Next is loved around the world. 

How do you prepare yourself for Ramadhan?

I like to mentally prepare myself, knowing for me that Ramadhan is a spiritual cleanse, it's a detox mentally, physically and emotionally. During this time I get to focus on my thoughts and pray a lot more. 

What’s it like fasting during your shift?

It’s great, especially as we have prayer facilities. The company takes into consideration that those fasting will need their breaks adjusted for iftar. Sometimes, what I find most challenging about fasting whilst working is the dehydration. Not being able to have that little cup of tea I’m so used to as I love my karak chai, haha but other than that it's ok.

Describe the atmosphere during iftar at work:

The atmosphere around ifaar time is great, those that are fasting come together, those that are not fasting are very supportive like asking to fetch you water ready for you to break fast. There’s so much care and love during this time, pre-pandemic we used to bring extra food and share it amongst the team. It’s always a good vibe

Describe how you feel during Ramadhan in 3 word:

Revitalised, Grateful & Spiritual.